Winter Fishtrap: ‘What is the West?’

Published 3:00 am Monday, February 10, 2025

ENTERPRISE — Since 1998, Winter Fishtrap has taken on issues that are important to citizens of the West by gathering diverse voices to inspire a greater understanding on a timely theme.

Winter Fishtrap is Feb. 14-16 with events at Fishtrap, 107 W. Main St.

This winter’s theme asks the question, “What is the West?” It’s a weekend full of conversations and activities, plus a Saturday night Dutch Oven cook-off and Best of the West Storytelling Showcase.

What is the West? Is it a territory with distinct borders? An environment or topography? A culture? A myth? Is the West simply a state of mind? These are the conversations people will explore at Winter Fishtrap, a three-day gathering to help develop a greater understanding of our place, ourselves, and each other.

Winter Fishtrap kicks off Friday, Feb. 14, with an opening night reception and keynote address with award-winning author and distinguished educator, Debra Magpie Earling. She is a member of the Bitterroot Salish Tribe and was the first Native American director of the University of Montana’s creative writing program.

Winter Fishtrap continues Saturday, Feb. 15, with a full day of topics and activities beginning with a morning session led by Kathleen Ackley, executive director of the Wallowa Land Trust, asking the question, “Who Owns the West?” Panelists include Brian Anderson, Forest Service district ranger, Lisa Collier, Wallowa County commissioner, Bobbie Conner, director of Tamástslikt Cultural Institute, Jeff Fields, The Nature Conservancy program manager, and Adam Sowards, historian and professor emeritus at the University of Idaho.

Saturday afternoon’s session focuses on the question, “Who Lives and Works in the West?” Curated by Wallowa Resources and moderated by Taylor Sarman, Wallowa Resources Economic Recovery Corp Fellow, guest panelists include Mike Hayward, Wallowa Resources board of directors, Liza Jane McAlister, 6 Ranch, and Nic Powers, Winding Waters Medical Clinics CEO.

Saturday night is a celebration of the food, culture and stories of the West featuring a Dutch Oven cook-off potluck dinner plus readings from Janie Tippett, Pam Royes and more.

Winter Fishtrap concludes Sunday, Feb. 16, with a conversation on the West from the Indigenous perspective. The doors open at 8:30 a.m., and the topic starts at 9 a.m.

Moderated by Fishtrap’s Shannon McNerney, panelists include Bobbie Conner, director of Tamástslikt Cultural Institute, Debra Magpie Earling, University of Montana emeritus, Kristen Parr, Nez Perce Language Specialist, and Jacy Sohappy, Wallowa Nez Perce Homeland and Crow Shadow’s Institute of Arts.

Winter Fishtrap is sponsored by Winding Waters Clinic, Wallowa County Chamber of Commerce, Eagle Cap Vacation Rentals, Good Groceries, River Street Market, Moonshine Glass Art, and M. Crow. Program partners include Wallowa Resources and The Wallowa Land Trust.

Learn more about Winter Fishtrap and all of Fishtrap’s programs at

Winter Fishtrap

Registration is available for those attending in person as well as those who join virtually. See below for the registration costs. Students age 18 and younger may attend for free. Register at

There is a discount for Fishtrappers, who support Fishtrap with monthly donations.

Full weekend in-person: $165/$145 Fishtrapper

Full weekend virtual: $95/$85

Friday in-person: $35/$30

Friday virtual: $20/$17.50

Saturday in-person: $95/$85

Saturday virtual: $60/$55

Sunday in-person: $65/$58.50

Sunday virtual: $35/$31.50
