A lively stage: Elgin Opera House named Best Live Theater

Published 8:36 am Monday, March 17, 2025

Thunderous applause goes to the Elgin Opera House for being chosen “Best Live Theater” by the Go! Readers’ Choice Award poll.

Executive Artistic Director Terry Hale has led an ambitious group of volunteers, actors and actresses to make the Elgin Opera House a year-round entertainment destination for locals and visitors from across the country.

“I’m grateful that our theater was chosen to receive this award,” Hale said. “It inspires me to want to do better and work harder to provide more quality theatrical experiences for the community.”

Hale came to Elgin in 2006 and leased the 1912 historic Elgin Opera House theater from the city of Elgin, opening with a small holiday performance. In April 2007, the Friends of the Opera House was officially organized, and it has since played a vital role in promoting the theater and acquiring grant funding that has upgraded the theater over the years.

“Our first full two-act Broadway production was ‘Beauty and the Beast’ in April 2008,” he said. “Up until then, we had done several smaller productions, including some non-musical performances and a production of ‘A Christmas Carol.’”

Hale credits the thousands of people who have worked with the Elgin Opera House over the years.

“There are so many great people who have worked so hard and have put so much heart into this program,” he said.

Over the last five years, the Friends of the Opera House have won grants and upgraded the theater to Broadway standards, most notably by acquiring professional digital scenery technology showcased for the first time in their production “Anastasia!” in 2023.

“Also, we’ve made great strides in improving our youth educational programs,” Hale said. “Some of our efforts have become nationally recognized.”

Their line-up of productions include “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers,” “Little Mermaid Jr.” and “The Addams Family.” All the details are on the Elgin Opera House website, including ticket sales and season tickets.

The theater has plans to expand, too — Hale recently announced that the theater signed a memorandum of understanding with the city of Pendleton to purchase the former Christian Science Center to become a rehearsal and performance venue. Named the Pendleton Theater Company, this new venture will be co-led by Hale and Karen Taylor, who lives in Pendleton and has performed in a number of opera house shows.

To learn more about Elgin Opera House, visit elginoperahouse.com.

Lisa Britton is editor of Go! Eastern Oregon, and a reporter for the Baker City Herald. Contact her at 541-518-2087 or lbritton@bakercityherald.com.

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